DSL Means On Facebook - DailyNewshunt

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Saturday, June 20, 2020

DSL Means On Facebook

DSL Means On Facebook 

DSL means on facebook

The popularity of online social networks has increased a lot and the attraction of Facebook has attract almost everyone. 

Facebook is very popular and free social networking site which allow their registered usere to create profile , upload photos and videos , send message.
This social site is totally free. This sites is available in 32 different languages .

The craziness of using  social media platform has increased so much that people are using more than once the account. It has become the language of love, business, friendship and for anything in this world. 

In order to use Facebook visitor have to make their account and then after verification play with all the features of Facebook. 

People of use slang word for chatting purposes. Now people exchange SMS  (Short Messaging Services), message and email in slang language.

 People use these type of words on Online social networks like facebook. Most of facebook users, now using slang language like DSL for a variety of meaning on Facebook, Twitter and others. 

What does DSL means on Facebook

social media facebook

 DSL is used for so many purposes on Facebook most common uses are:

Digital Subscriber Line

DSL is also used on Facebook for Digital Subscriber Line. The meaning of DSL under this perspective is the technology that uses the internet to transmit data to and from using a local Telephone Network. ADSL is quite a popular form of DSL in this context.

Dick Sucking Live

 It is used in the adult discussion. Most Angelina Jolie is discussed with this word. This is not good slang word and should not be used like this way. We should develop slang word for health,action, activities and moral purposes.

Damn Sexy Lady

 Often males  use this DSL damn sexy lady to discuss the beauty of girl and woman. It is used immoral language and is used in a discussion involving vulgarity.

On Facebook, most of the people  are sharing dirty and sexy messages,photos and videos, which are against  the terms and services of Facebook. 

Facebook has taken this matter seriously and deleting and banning account involved in an Immoral activities. I have seen boys opening their  account with a  girl name with little or no dress photo.This is not a right and beneficial use of online social network.


 Also people  write DSL damn sexy lady and other types of slang words with the picture in order to attract like-minded people over Facebook. By now you are getting my point what does D S L  mean on Facebook.

Digital Socket Layer 

It is also called Secure Socket Layer and it is the technology used to to secure
 E-commerce website.

 When the user login to the E-commerce website, the digital socket layer get activated and a unique browser key is generated. Then message are encrypted and send to the server. 

In the past time  security was a big problem to various online store and online internet banking. But now things have changed, bank and online stores have made their systems more powerful and Secure then no one can intrude .

In the above lines we discuss the very important topic of what does DSM means on Facebook. We are hopeful that you will like it.

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