32 Health Benefits of Amla - DailyNewshunt

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Thursday, May 28, 2020

32 Health Benefits of Amla

32 Health Benefits of Amla

To keep our body healthy, we consume various food items in our daily diet which are beneficial for us, but sometimes cause some harm. But there is such a edible material that the intake gives us only benefits. It does not cause any harm. The name of this food item is Amla.

Amla is considered to be similar to nectar in Ayurveda. This has been said because Amla is beneficial in various types of physical ailments. If amla is consumed regularly we can avoid many diseases.

Amla name in different languages

Emblica officinalis in Latin

Indian gooseberry in English

Amalaki, Dhatri, Siva in Sanskrit

Amalaki, Amro in Bengali

Anwalkanti, Amla in Marathi

Amla, Amli in Gujarati

But throughout India, it is known as Amla.
Benefits of Amla
Benefits of Amla

Some important things related to Amla

  • Amla is the best source of Vitamin C. If one teaspoon of amla is consumed daily, then we get 7 times of vitamin C, daily requirement of vitamin C. It helps us to increase our immunity, we are able to avoid many diseases due to increased immunity.
  • Amla is also the best source of vitamin  A. We can get 20 percent more vitamin A than the amount of vitamin A we need every day, if we take one spoon of amla powder daily. Due to the quantity of vitamin A, our eyesight will remain intact.
  • Amla  has both antiviral and antibacterial properties.
  • Amla is rich in antioxidants due to which it is full of anti-aging. It is helpful in removing all the problems of old ages.
  • Amla has anti-carcinogenic properties, which means that it can also be effective in fighting diseases like cancer.

Health Benefits of Amla

1.Boosts immunity

  Amla is rich in Vitamin C. Vitamin C helps to increase the immunity of our body. Consumption of amla strengthens our immunity and keeps us from many diseases.

2. Benefit of Amla in Cancer Prevention

Daily consumption of gooseberry also protects us from terrible diseases like cancer, because the gooseberry has anti-carcinogenic properties, due to which the gooseberry inhibits the growth of cancer cells.

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3. Effective in Weight Loss

In the modern era, disorganized eating makes most people prone to obesity. Amla is a boon for such people. Amla has properties to reduce obesity. Amla extracts the dirt present in our body and reduces weight by providing weight to the body.

4. Benefits of Amla in Constipation and Diarrhoea

Amla is rich in fiber because of it, it removes the problem of constipation in the body and is also very beneficial in digestion.

5. Benefits of Amla in Eyes Problems

Benefits of Amla in Eyes Problems

Amla is rich in antioxidant properties, so it is beneficial in removing all the problems of the eyes and increasing eyesight. Daily consumption of gooseberry keeps the eyes light on aging, as well as relieves all other problems related to the eyes such as burning, itching, watery eyes etc. Vitamin C, antioxidants and omega 3 fatty acids, present in the gooseberry, improves eyesight.

6. Prevents Premature Aging

Amla is rich in anti-aging properties.

 If consumed regularly, we can avoid untimely aging. We will not get old quickly and we will stay young for a long time.

7. To Regulate Metabolism

Amla regulates our metabolism. By metabolizing carbohydrates well

Increases the enzymes that convert to amino.

8.Benefits of Amla in Healthy Urinary System

If you have any problems related to the urinary system, then amla can prove to be beneficial for you. Amla has the ability to remove toxins from the body. Its regular intake is beneficial in urinary tract such as obstruction of urine, burning sensation in urine, etc.

9. Support Reproductive System in both Male and Female

Regular intake of gooseberry is able to overcome the problems related to sex and reproduction in women and men. Because it is full of many nutritious properties which helps all the organs of the body to function smoothly.

10.Amla is Good for Bones

Calcium is necessary for the growth and strengthening of all the bones inside our body. Amla is rich in calcium properties. It is today a good source of osteoclast that prevents bones from breaking. If amla is consumed regularly, we can get rid of various types of bone related problems like arthritis, osteoporosis and joint problems. Amla also helps in calcium absorption and provides proper nutrition to our bones.

11. Boost Mental Power

Amla is also useful for mental development. Regular intake of gooseberry enhances our intellectual capacity and improves memory power. If we use amla regularly in any form like raw gooseberry, gooseberry juice or gooseberry jam then it improves mental development.

12. Benefit of Amla to Healthy Heart

Those who take amla regularly do not have to worry about the heart, because it does not only allow bad cholesterol to increase, but also keeps decreasing. Amla contains amino acids and antioxidants, which keeps the heart rate right. Amla also keeps away the problems related to blood pressure, that is why the heart of those who consume amla regularly also remains healthy.

13. Restore Skin Fairness

Amla is good for glowing skin
Amla is good for glowing skin
Amla is full of immunity and  it has rich antifungal and antibacterial properties. People who take amla regularly, do not have problems with skin related diseases. Indian gooseberry keeps skin cells healthy and keeps our blood clean by taking out toxins from the body, which makes the skin glow.

14. Remove Kidney Stones

If a person has kidney stones problem, gooseberry proves to be an effective remedy. To remove stones, dry the gooseberry in the shade and make a fine powder of it, and eat that powder mixed with radish juice every day for 40 days. In this experiment, the stones will melt out of the body in a few days

15.Benefits ofAmla to Cure Anemia

Amla is rich in iron. If there is a deficiency of hemoglobin in the blood of the body, it is very beneficial to take amla juice daily. For this, take two spoons of amla juice in the morning and evening before meals. It helps in the formation of red blood cells in the body, and does not allow hemoglobin deficiency in the blood.

16. Relieve Fever and Toothache

amla is good  for strong teeth
Amla is good for strong & beautiful teeth

To get rid of fever, extract amla juice from it and add rock salt to it, give it to the patient by heating it slightly and it will help in getting down fever. Apart from this, if there is pain in the teeth and cavity, mixing a little camphor in the juice of gooseberry and applying it on the gums provides relief.

17. Cure Bleeding Nose

The use of gooseberry proves beneficial when the heat in the body increases. Sometimes the problem of bleeding from the nose also arises due to excess heat in the body. In such a situation, by consuming amla in any form, it provides coolness to your body. In the summer vomiting, taking amla juice with sugar candy two to three times a day provides relief.

18. To get Long and Shining Hair

Amla is good for long and shiny hair
Amla is good for long and shiny hair

It is often heard from older in your home that if you want long, dark, thick and beautiful hair, then eat gooseberry daily because amla is rich in anti-oxidant, iron and vitamin C, which keeps strong of hair root. Apart from this, the antibiotics present in it are also helpful in removing dandruff from the hair. For this, applying Amla juice to the hair roots and drinking one to two teaspoons of juice is beneficial.

 19. Amla Helps to Cure Diabetes

Amla helps to cure diabetes
Amla helps to cure diabetes 

Individuals who have diabetes problem and feel weakness in the body. The nervous system of the body is weakening. Amla is very beneficial for both internal and external physical weakness. A person suffering from diabetes, mixed equal amount of gooseberry juice and bitter gourd juice and intake it in the morning and evening before meal.Then this problem of theirs can be overcome. It also helps in pancreatic function.

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20. Beautiful and Glowing Face

People whose face seems withering and they say that they eat any nutritious food but noor does not appear on their face. Amla proves to be a boon for such people.They consume two to three teaspoons of amla juice on an empty stomach,in the morning . By doing this, it brings glow on the face. And the face becomes radiant and beautiful.

21. Beneficial in Respiratory Diseases

respiratory system
Amla is beneficial in respiratory system 

 Individuals who have trouble breathing or have asthma allergy. Due to changing weather, dust and smoke,they have difficulty in breathing. They should mix two teaspoons of amla juice, two teaspoons of turmeric juice and two spoons of honey and consume it after meal,in the morning and in the evening. Doing this will remove the mucus in them and the problem of asthma will also go away.

For those who have throat infections again and again, mix one teaspoon of gooseberry juice, one teaspoon of turmeric juice and one teaspoon of honey and drunk it while gargle. This problem is overcome by doing this in the morning and in the evening.

22. Cures Tuberculosis 

People who have tuberculosis disease and due to this, their weight is continuously decreasing. This disease can occur in any part of the body, such as in the lungs, anywhere in the bones. For such patients, they mix one spoon of ginger juice, amla juice, one spoon of turmeric juice, one spoon of garlic juice and one spoon of honey and take this mixer twice a day. It cures tuberculosis. Gradually the germs of tuberculosis would also be destroyed.

23. Reduce Anger and Stress

People who have more anger and are always in a state of tension. It is very beneficial for them to use Amla juice in the morning and evening. It makes the veins of the body flexible and makes the blood flow in them smoothly. It also removes the problem of high blood pressure.It helps to expire stress and anger of the person .


25. Beneficial in Semen Defect

For people who have problems with semen defects such as low semen, thinness or dreaming.For them, mix two spoons of amla juice and one teaspoon of honey and consume it before meal in the morning and evening.Doing this daily you will overcome this problem.

26. Beneficial in Pregnancy Problem

pregnant woman
Amla is beneficial in pregnancy problems 

  Women who do not conceive properly or are unable to stay. For them, two teaspoons of gooseberry juice and two teaspoons of aloe vera juice are used in the morning and evening to overcome this problem. The uterus becomes strong and its swelling also disappears. If there is any hormonal disturbance, it also gets cured and they able to conceive easily.

27. Cure Hepatitis and Jaundice disease

For people,who have jaundice or hepatitis, mix two to three teaspoons of gooseberry juice and two to three teaspoons of radish juice with a little sugar candy and use it before eating food in the morning and evening, this disease is completely eliminated.

28. Beneficial in Hemorrhoids disease

  People who have hemorrhoids complaint, it is beneficial to use one piece of gooseberry jam and two pieces of myrrh jam after eating food, in the morning and evening. This causes their hemorrhoids disease to end forever and does not recur.

29. Controlls Uric Acid

People who have increased uric acid in their body.They feel body and joint pain. If they eat uric acid medicine, then it is relaxed but if they do not take the medicine then their problem increases again. For such people,mix two teaspoons of amla juice and two teaspoons of cucumber in equal quantity and consume it both morning and evening before meals. This helps in controlling uric acid.

30. Amla Prevents from Cold and Cough infection

Amla helps to cure cold and cough
Amla prevent from cold & cough

  People who get cold and cough infection easily as the weather changes.And they are troubled by this problem again and again.For them, mix one spoon of ginger juice, one spoon of amla juice and one spoon of honey and intake it in the morning and in the evening.

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31. Beneficial in Cataract

  People who have a complaint of cataract, mix one teaspoon of onion juice, ginger juice, gooseberry juice and one teaspoon of honey, put two drops to your eyes every morning and evening, this increases the light of the eyes, eliminating the complaint of cataract. People who do not have cataracts will never complain of this. Keep this mixer inside the refrigerator.

32. Prevents from Ultraviolet Ray

Amla helps to prevents from ultraviolet ray. If you consume two spoons of amla juice daily.


Amla doesn't have any side effects.You can take it for whole life as per your need. 

Who should not take Amla ?

  • Hyperacidity patient should not consume Amla .
  • Amla is cold in nature, so cough and cold patient should not take amla alone. 
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding mother should consult with doctor before take amla .
  • If you have any medical condition consult your doctor before taking amla. 
  • Diabetes patient should not consume amla candy as it contains lots of sugar contents .

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