Waste water treatment - DailyNewshunt

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Thursday, May 7, 2020

Waste water treatment

 Waste Water Treatment Plant

wastewater treatment plant
A wastewater treatment plant

Wastewater treatment it refers to the process removing contaminants from wastewater. It include physical chemical and biological process physical chemical and biological contaminants wastewater generated from our homes factories was taken into the ground by a set of files then wastewater treatment plant.

What is wastewater?

 Everyday we use a large amount of water in our homes.Most of the water we use is for cleaning, washing, cooking and bathing. Only a little amount of water is used for drinking. The water that is fit for drinking is called potable was. The water that we use for other purposes makes the water dirty. The water becomes dirty as it gets mixed with shampoo, soap, detergent,human waste etc.The water that has been used for some purpose which has reduced the quality of water and is no longer considered fit for human consumption is the wastewater.

Know about it👉  Water Conservation

WATER that come from household wastes and industries is waste water. Waste water comes from household waste from toilet,sink,bath, garbage,clothes,washers  and drains. It also comes from industries

What is Sewage?

Any type of water that is unfit for use is wastewater common example of wastewater include water that age starts from household of sources industries and manufacturing plants. Waste from various sources is called series stop it contains many dissolved and suspended impurities name contaminants these contaminants can be sum up as follows:-

Organic impurities these includes human waste animal Waste food waste soap detergent pesticides etc.
In organic impurities enclosed nitrates sulphates phosphates metals etc.

 Nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus Bacteria and other microorganism:These main cause diseases like typhoid,cholera, dysentery,etc.

Fever contains lots of germs and impurities it is unfit for uses and if drain into the rivers or lakes it will pollute the water and many aquatic animals such as fish tortoise will die therefore before discharging it it has to be treated with is done in sewage treatment plant or wastewater treatment plant.

The treatment of wastewater is a part of field of sanitation. Sanitation also includes the management of human waste  and solid waste as well as drainage management.

The process of wastewater treatment

Screening of water

Screening of water

the first step is to pass the waste water through bar screens to remove object like wood pieces sticks stone cancer Polythene bags at it is necessary to remove these object as they may damage the equipment used in water treatment plants.

Grit and Sand Removal Tanks

grit and sand removal tank
Grit and sand removal tank

is then allowed to go into a great and sand removal tank.Here  the speed of incoming wastewater is controlled carefully. This allows the grit, and 7stones and other heavy object to settle at the bottom.

Sedimentation Tank

sedimentation tank
Sedimentation tank

Water is now allowed to pass into large tanks called sedimentation Tanks.These tanks are large enough so that organic solid matter like faeces sinks slowly to the bottom and material like grease and oil float at the surface and are skimmed off.

 The organic solid matter collected at the bottom of the sedimentation tank is called which is continuously removed by scrapers collected is sent to separate tanks called digesters where it is broken down decomposed by anaerobic bacteria bacteria which do not require oxygen for their survival biogas is released during this process. The water now obtained is called clarified water and looks cleaner.

Aeration tank

aeration  tank
Aeration  tank

The next steps involves passing clarified water into and aeration tank. Aeration tank contains aerobic bacteria(bacteria which requires oxygen for their survival).

 The bacteria rapidly grow and consume organic matter like human and animal waste, soap  detergent and convert it into carbon dioxide.This takes several hours. The suspended microbes settle down at the bottom as activated sludge.Water is removed from the top and safely discharged in to the river or lakes.

Sometime, before discharging into water bodies, the water is disinfected to reduce the number of harmful micro-organism that may be the cause of various diseases. Common disinfectant used to purify water are chlorine and ozone.

Septic system -

An alternative method of sewage disposal

a septic tank
A septic tank

Many people in our country still do not have an eccess to proper sanitation facilities. Therefore, defecate in the near railway track, open fields, open drains,riverbeds etc.

Open defecation is a serious threat to health as human excreta always contains large number of diseases causing germs.When many people defecate in the open, flies feed on the excreta. This flies very small amount of excreta on their feet and bodies. When they touch the food the germs in the excreta are passed on the food. 

If this food is consumed by any person there is always a risk  for him/ her to get sick. Open defecation may also lead to water born diseases like typhoid hepatitis diarrhoea etc.

In such places where sewage treatment plants are not accessible alternative methods for sewage disposal are used on such method is septic system.

 What is septic tank?

Septic tank is an underground chamber made of concrete,plastic,or fiberglass through which sewage flows for basic treatment.

Septic tank systems are a type of simple onsite sewage facility.They can be used in rural areas that are not connected to sewage system,such as ruler areas.The treated liquid effluent  is commonly disposed in a new septic drain field,which provides  treatment.

Need  to Treat Waste Water

Wastewater produced by home and must be treated before it is released back to the environment.

Wastewater treatment is important as it is interrelated with the other uses of water. It refers to caring for our environment and for our own health. 

Clean water is not only important for human but also it is critical to plants and animals that live in water. Dirty water carries diseases causing them which may be harmful for all kill kinds of life forms.

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