Extreme Lower Back Pain During Period - DailyNewshunt

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Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Extreme Lower Back Pain During Period

Extreme Lower Back Pain During Period

lower back pain during period

 There are many people suffering from lower back pain. Lower back pain is also abbreviated  lbp. Lbp is a common muscular disorder suffering 60% of people worldwide. It is not itself a severe diseases and there is no specific need to diagnose, although it can caused by many reasons.

One of the reason for lower back pain is mostly found to be common in women during periods (menstrual days) due to change in hormonal functions.Women mostly experience severe cramping or Dysmenorrheal during their periods.
lower back pain during period

This pain is located mostly along the centre portion of the lower back or sometimes subsides to that part. Any disbalance in hormones can cause the human body (whether male or female) experiencing muscular disorder and fatigue.

We need various hormones for different cycles of life. Hormones naturally produce in our bodies as it is chemicals in nature. Hormones play a vital role in the functioning of our body properly as our body fully depends upon the hormonal system.

Any imbalance in hormones may affect our body severely and problems in one area can affect another area. This may lead to a chain reaction affecting the whole body.

Hormonal imbalance sometimes main cause muscles disorder which can make a person suffering from any other diseases one of them is lower back pain for stop although it is not a disease except muscles pain. In women, extreme lower back pain during their periods are very common. Lbp will begin in most of the women a few days prior to their mensus and sometimes subside after. 

The Causes of Extreme Lower Back Pain During Period 

 Causes of lower back pain during periods is to be caused by harmonics change it can be because due to

Prostaglandins (during a menstrual cycle hormones are released just to promote a uterus contraction against nearby vessels of blood) can make the lower back muscles more painful.

An excess of Prostaglandins can cause painful menstruation of dysmenorrhea. Heavy contractions may cause extreme lower back pain, the severe pain can cause fever or temperature which is a common symptoms in these types of muscles disorders.

 Some women with endometriosis may also experience low back pain during their periods cycle. If the pain persist, you may consult your doctor about this muscular disorders.

Treatment for reducing extreme lower back pain during periods 

girl drinking water

  • Drink plenty of water as it may help you to stay hydrated.
  •  take a long walk during your menstrual cycle. Woman who exercise on a daily basis tend to report less cramping and abdominal pain. If you do not want to go for long walk, try to walk 5 to 10 minutes as they may ease for back pain.
  • Apply Heating pad on your back or take warm bath. Microwave safe Heating pad is also helping you out to reduce back pain. 
  • Avoid those food which are high in caffeine, alcohol. Smoking and chocolate should also be avoided as this type of foods and drugs can make your hormones imbalance.
  •  Take anti pain relief medicines or balm which can reduce your extreme lower back pain during the period and relax your disorder muscles.

I hope this post help you. 

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