Importance of plants - DailyNewshunt

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Monday, May 4, 2020

Importance of plants

Importance of plants

Importance of plants

Plant are useful in many ways such as:-

Purify air- plants purify Air by using carbon dioxide in photosynthesis and releasing oxygen in the atmosphere.

Source of food - plants provide food all wild animals directly or indirectly.

Medicines - plant are source of many useful medicines. Ayurvedic medicines are prepared from medical plants like Tulsi, neem, alovera, turmeric, jamun, ginger, mint , sandal, etc.

prevent soil erosion - Trees hold the soil particle and prevent their Free Flow due to rain water and Fly Away by air. This prevent soil erosion.

Useful materials plants provide us firewood, Timber plywood, bamboo wood for paper, recin, gum, fibre, edible oils, honey, beeswax, lac and bidi leaf.

Regulate climate and water cycle:- Trees keep the air cool evaporation of water from the leaves. They also help in rainfall. Trees maintain water cycle. They absorb water from the soil and bring water back to soil as rain.

Control floods:- Forest act as Natural absorber of rainwater.They Hold rainwater and prevents its free flow full.This greatly reduce the chance of floods. Trees help in increasing the level of water table due to efficient absorption Porous land in forest area.

 Check air pollution:- Forest reduce carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere. The tree bind soil particles together and decrease the dust contamination of the air. The fine dust particle in the air are called Suspended Particle Matter (SPM). There is almost no SPM in evergreen forest.
Maintain supply of nutrients:- Trees Make soil fertile by the recycling of the nutrients. Dead and decaying matter from dry leaves and dead plants and animals is decomposed by micro-organism and fungi (decomposer) present on the forest floor. The releasenutrients make forest soil fertile

Shelter:- forests provide Habitat for a large variety of wild animals .

 Boars, bisons, Panthers, lion and elephants live in deeper area of the forest, where forest is thicker and undisturbed. They lived on the grounds.

Snakes idhar Regal on the ground or burrow in the soil.

Home for tribals ancient tribes life in forest the forests provide them food shelter water and medicines product obtained from forest are a source of study income for tribes.

For recreation some forest have been developed in to recreation park where people enjoy camping hiking and trekking

Wildlife reserve forest are changed into wild life reserve where wild animals and plants are protected and used for of forest product is illegal.

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