Blogger Custom Domain

Due to the rapid rise in the website design and development sector,a large population of the world is joining this field. Everyday, a lot of websites and blogs are created. In this blog we tell you why do we need a Custom Domain for a blogger?
Why do we need a Custom Domain for a blogger?
Apart from this, you can change the entire look of a blogs using thousand of free and paid themes. In order to increase the functionality of a blog, you can use third party plugins or Website designers in Mumbai that can turn your blog into a Masterpiece of the elegant blog.
When someone start blogging, blogger is the best platform for them.They can easily understand the concept of blogging through this. So, Blogger is a simple blogging platform that suits newbie bloggers to understand the concept of blogging and start their blogging career.
When you start on blogger, it does not require money to buy anything as all the things are absolutely free. Even there is no need to pay for the domain.
You can start the blog with a free subdomain like or you can contact web design agency.
Once your blog at blogger starts to get visitors, you can invest some money to buy a blogger custom domain.It is the right time to buy a custom domain.
A custom domain is actually the top level domain such as,
Need to buy top level Domain
This types of top level domain with bloggers work positively in favour of a blog owner in the following ways:
Subdomains are symbols of non-professional and dis ownership. Often people registered subdomains and later do not work on subdomain blogger's blog. As there is no investment from the blogger in Subdomain registration, a sence of ownership lack altogether. Having your own custom domain feel you ownership and sense of responsibility.
Search Engine Trust
Top search engines such as Google and Yahoo places a high level of trust on top level domain as compared to subdomain blogs.
If your competitors blog is using the blogger subdomain, you can go to the blogger custom domain to beat your competitor and gain search engines confidence and trust.
Visitor's Ideology
There is a common perception among internet user that top level domains contains valuable information and subdomains are the source of spam .
Apart from this, visitor find it difficult to memorize subdomain. So you can't get repeat traffic on your blog and it will be harmful for a blog. Therefore, You have to move towards the blogger custom domain to maintain spam free profile and again repeat blog traffic.
How to enable Blogger Custom Domain?
The task of linking the top level domain is not difficult at all as most of the bloggers think.
You have to buy a Top Level Domain(TLD) and change the name server setting.
You have to go in your Blogger's dashboard.
Click on setting option of blogger dashboard.
A setting page will be open.
Once you open the setting page, you will find custom domain option, from there you can easily add your paid domain and get benefits of this.
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