Difference between Weather and Climate - DailyNewshunt

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Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Difference between Weather and Climate

 Difference between Weather and Climate

difference between climate and weather,landscape

 We always hear about weather and climate all of the time. Most of us watch the weather news on TV every day. We check the local weather forecast to plan our days. We also hear in news, about climate changes. There is, however, still a lot of confusion over the difference between the two.

In very simple and local words we can say it in this way: Climate is what you expect but the weather is what you  get.

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What is the Difference between Weather and Climate?  

Weather refers to day-to-day atmospheric conditions of temperature, humidity, cloudiness or sunshine, rainfall and wind speed at a particular place and time.
Weather keeps changing every day and may even changed hour-to-hour. It may be sunny in the morning and cloudy in the afternoon and may rain within no time. Weather also change from season to season.

What are elements which determines the  weather of a particular place?

difference between climate and weather

Some elements of weather which determines the weather of a particular place are temperature, humidity, cloudiness, rainfall and wind speed.


Temperature change during 24 hours are very significant. Morning are the coolest. As the sun rises temperature also rises gradually till noon due to heat coming out from the sun rays.

The temperature become maximum in the afternoon. When heat escapes during night, the temperature falls and is the lowest in early morning.
Thus afternoon is the hottest and early morning is the coldest time of a day.


Humidity is another another elements to affect the weather of a particular place amount of water vapours which present in the atmosphere is called humidity. When temperature rises, the capacity of these water vapours increases.

 Rainfall :-

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 When air with 100%  humidity Cools down, its water vapour condenses and change into water droplets. The mass of water droplets form clouds.These clouds become water droplets after further cooling and fall down as rain on the land.


 wind is another cause to affect the weather of any place when blow cool air, it can low down the temperature of any place and in other situation it can increase the temperature of that place. 

What is  Climate?

Weather and climate

Climate can be defined as the average weather condition at a particular place over a long period of time such as 30-50 years or more. 
 Climate varies from place to place.
For example  Srinagar is cold and wet during winter and moderate and wet during summer.
 Delhi is cold and dry during winter and hot and dry during summer.
These are the climate of these particular places. In this way climate varies from place to place. 

How can we determine the climate of a place? 

Meteorologist maintain the record of everyday weather:- maximum and minimum temperature, humidity and rainfall .

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Geographical factors affecting the climate

 The climate of a place is determined by the following factors:-
Latitude or distance from the equator
Distance from the sea 
Humidity and rain 
Altitude or high above the sea level

Latitude or distance from the equator:

The equator receives maximum sunlights.Therefore places in these regions and nearby are  very warm and have maximum  rainfall. 
As we move away from the equator on either side towards the poles,  the angle of sun rays increases, it means the sun rays becomes slanting.Therefore distance from the equator determines the climate of a place.

 Distance from the sea

The climate of a place is also affected by its distance from the Sea. The coastal areas being close to the sea have moderate climate and the weather remains almost unchanged throughout the year. As we move inland away from the Sea, temperatures shows drastic change during summer and winter. 
The central parts of the continents are dry and hot in summer and extremely cold in winter.

Humidity and Rainfall 

The amount of rainfall depends upon the closeness to sea and the direction of wind. Humidity and rainfall affected the climate of a particular place.
Blowing wind from the Sea brings rain and wind coming from the land are dry and cause bright sunny days.

Altitude or height above the sea level

As we go higher from the sea level, the temperature gradually comes down.You can see snow covered mountains ranges at very high altitude.
 Mountain also receive more rainfall than the low lying areas because at low temperature, water vapour condenses and comes down as rain.
These are the difference between Climate and Weather we can see and feel it in our day to day life. 

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